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Kubota RA108CR Image

Kubota RA108CR


Today's Low Rate 6.49%

Our participating lenders are offering rates as low as 6.49%


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The fast and productive Kubota RA108CR Rake is here to help you increase your output and ensure you’re moving with efficiency. The 16’ 8” working width rake makes for ample coverage of larger swaths and with a 21’ 6” working length, you’re going to be covering plenty of ground (it perfect for smaller fields but yet giving the capacity to cover the acres needed). Available with a single or dual kicker wheel and individual wheel suspension, the RA108CR takes contoured ground in stride and makes sure no material goes untouched. Fold up the independent wings and the RA108CR bears a 9’ 4” transport width, perfect for getting you comfortably and safely from point A to point B. Features Safe Transport: With Independent Wing Cylinder lockouts, transport is safe and easy on the road and through narrow gates or openings. Transport width ranges from 9'2" to 9'6". Individual Rake Wheel Suspension: Individual Rake Wheel Suspension is ideal for rough and uneven hay fields allowing each wheel to act independently and follow ground contour. Drawbar Height: Adjustable for 12 different tractor drawbar heights to ensure proper working angles of the rake wheels. Kicker Wheel Options: Single and Dual Kicker Wheel options are used to move material that would otherwise stay in place. Specifications Transport Length: 21 ft. - 2 in. ( 645 cm) Working Length (Max.): 21 ft. - 6 in. (655 cm) Transport Width: 9 ft. - 4 in. (284 cm) Transport Height, Min.: 8 ft. (244 cm) Transport Height, Max.: 8 ft. - 5

Kubota RA108CR

Ceresville New Holland - Frederick, Maryland






Hay and Forage


Hay - Rakes/Tedders







Estimated Payments

List Price


Down Payment

$1,700 (20%)

Term Length

7 Years

Interest Rate


Loan Balance


Interest Paid


Payoff Date

Mar 2032

Yearly Payment


Payment & Interest Report

Interest Paid


Total Paid



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